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Coaches: You Are The Weird One (Me Too)

Chris K

As a coach it's easy to fall into frustration and anger at clients who can't stick to a training plan.

Coaches have a history of loving training, we love all things gym, and we can try new exercises without worrying about looking stupid.

Training has been part of our lives for so long it's easy to think having a routine of doing voluntary forced effort which results in our entire body hurting is somehow normal.

It can be frustrating as a coach to understand why a client can't or won't do that.

Clients will perpetually struggle with motivation, logging, decision-making, adherence, LIFE PUNCHING THEM IN THE FACE and similar.

What's the matter with them?

Why are they so lazy?

I love exercise! We don't they love exercise!?

Why won't they do that steady cardio i programmed them?

Why does EVERYONE hate split squats?

It may help you to know that it is you, the coach, who is the abnormal one, at least when it comes to exercise, consistent training and weirdly loving being sore.

I'm the same. For most of my life I thought I was the normal one, and those who didn't instantly fall in love with weights were somehow deficient as people.

It's human nature to save energy, to be avoid uncomfortable situations, and to avoid pain wherever we can.

Someone struggling with motivation to train probably isn't lazy. I think it's more likely many people feel AWFUL most times they train, making it hard to do.

Those who feel less awful are more likely to love training. Those that love training are more likely to be coaches.

Therefore most coaches aren't in a position to truly empathise with how awful training can feel.

Imagine if every session made you feel revolting.

It would take something special to make that worth sticking with, which is where a coach who is passionate about the experience of training makes a huge impact.

As coaches, we see people skip the gym, we see overweight people and we see the cancelled sessions.

It's easy to view people as inherently lazy. I wish the issue were that simple.

They could be working 80 hour weeks and have nothing left to give. This isn't lazy. This is burn out.

They could be lacking confidence, money, motivation, but what most people don't lack is an ability to put effort into something.

It's the coach who works their life around training that is the exception. For everyone else, life comes first.

Loving exercise isn't normal...

What, exactly, is there to love about training?

The feeling of pushing through pain?

Days of DOMS?




Coaches shouldn't get annoyed at people who aren't instantly enamoured with their entire body hurting.

It's not laziness.

As coaches we have to help people fall in love with training.

Rather than getting frustrated with a client who "just doesn't get it" try to foster a love for training by making the experience inclusive and positive.

Steady Cardio Sucks

I'm currently doing steady cardio as I write this. It blows.

Most people think it blows.

Most people skip it.

So I made a steady cardio club so me and my clients can share our suffering and make it less mind-numbingly awful.

It's in-person and via zoom by the way, so if you want to get involved, go HERE.

If you can stick to regular cardio, you are in the minority. If as a coach you get frustrated at clients skipping it, make it more fun and inclusive.

You could steal my cardio club idea.

You could set weekly cardio challenges

You could superset cardio with jager wait, don't do that.

Those that can stick to regular steady cardio are the exception to the rule so it will take something exceptional to make most people do it.

Luckily, as coaches, we are in a position to do provide that.

Create amazing services to make what sucks less sucky.

(Oh, and everyone hates split-squats because they are the incarnation of evil.

Great exercise though.)


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