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Stuff To Distract You From The Crushing Inevitability Of The Apocalypse

Chris K

Hello again.

Welcome to another week inside the house!

Things seem to be gradually gearing up toward a relaxation of lockdown rules so people are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

However, we are still in the tunnel, maybe you still need some content to make those hours, weeks, and months fly by!?

The Grafters Podcast

This week (well, about 4 weeks ago) we had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Lisa Lewis to the podcast.

We discussed motivation, the validity of emotion during a time of crisis, performance, the skill of visualization, and many other things.

It was Coach V's favorite episode we have done, which is high-praise as she isn't easily pleased!

Lisa has just released her new product: Psych Skills For Fit Pros.

Listeners can get a sweet discount on the course by using the code PODCAST75 when signing up.

The Blog

If you are looking to improve your writing or start a blog this article is for you.

The 'Gram

Other Content For You To Check Out IMMEDIATELY

I've recently got into a great routine of watching Youtube lectures and seminars while cooking breakfast and doing the washing-up like the household god that I am.

Here was my favorite content this week:

I came away from this lecture literally saturated with new information and concepts to look up. Simply wonderful stuff. Check it out and subscribe to his channel.

Another wonderful workshop by my new favorite coach, Vernon Griffith. I've instantly implemented some of the drills seen in this video to great success. I highly recommend both him and this video.

Having recently discovering Barbell Medicine via ALAN THRALL I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

These are clearly two extremely knowledgeable chaps. I learned a great deal from this Q&A. My perspectives on Doctors prescribing exercise were entirely changed and I found it extremely thought-provoking. Check-out their work, you won't regret it.

And that's it for this week.

Stay well, stay strong, and stay safe.

The Heavy Metal Strength coach

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